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Phoenix Pigeon Control Pigeon Trapping Services Phoenix AZ

Phoenix Pigeon Control Offers Affordable Pigeon Removal Services. Call 602-806-6359 for a Free On-Site Pigeon Removal Quote

Pigeon Trapping and Removal – Why Its Important

Pigeons breed and create at least 2 offspring up to 8 times a year. With this in mind, pigeon screening, and pigeon deterrents rarely solve the root of a pigeon problem.

How Catch & Release Pigeon Traps Work

Catch and release pigeon traps / bird traps are built out of strong stainless steel wire. Pigeon traps are basically humane bird cages that invite problem pigeons into the pigeon trap (cage) using a blend of seeds and desirable pigeon feed. Oure pigeon traps have a unique funnel door that allows pigeons to enter the pigeon trap, but does not allow pigeons to escape.

Our humane pigeon and bird traps also do not trap smaller birds like Doves, because smaller birds can both enter and exit the bird trap cage. After a pigeon enters our humane bird traps or pigeon traps, they can then be released far away in a safe desert area that is their normal habitat with wildlife. In order to release the pigeons, our pigeon traps have an easy-release door at the top of the pigeon cage that allows trapped pigeons to be easily released into the wild, and away from your residence or business.

Humane Pigeon Trapping Methods

Our Pigeon traps provide a safe and humane alternative to pigeon gels containing chemicals, toxic pigeon repellents or other inhumane methods of pigeon control in Phoenix. Our pigeon traps can be utilized both inside or outside problem areas at your residential or business location. Our Humane Pigeon Traps also are designed to ensure that only pigeons are trapped and released. Our bird traps do not trap smaller birds like Doves or other smaller species of birds.

Humane catch and release of pigeons to their indigenous locations like the desert habitat in AZ, allows safe, effective and humane pigeon control to significantly reduce the pigeon population at your location, without injuring the pigeons.

Any realistic and effective Pigeon Removal Protocol should include both Pigeon Trapping & Pigeon Removal as part of an effective Pigeon Exclusion Plan to reduce the pigeon population and prevent pigeons from returning. 602-806-6359 for a Free On-Site Evaluation.

Project Details
  • Categories:House, Pigeon Cleanup, Pigeon Control, Pigeon Exclusion, Pigeon Removal, Pigeon Trapping
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